The Municipality of Heraklion offers services of local administration and its actions focus on the economic, cultural, environmental and social development of our city.
The City Hall is housed in one of the most beautiful Venetian buildings with great historic value, Loggia. The Municipality combines the ancient tradition with services made for the needs of the citizens, enterprises and visitors.
The Mayor holds an important role in the smooth running of the Municipality and the design of its development. He is elected every four years and runs the Municipality with the assistance of Vice-Mayors, the Municipal Council, the Municipal Commission, the Chairmen of Authorities and the Chairmen of the Municipal districts.
Besides the regular services provided, like the Municipal Roll, the Registry Office and the Cleaning Services, the Municipality offers additional services. It undertakes and realizes European and Municipal projects, contributes in the preservation of our cultural inheritance and encourages the development of arts.
The aim of the Municipality is to share the benefits of this development with the future generations of the citizens, enterprises and workers.