
FACT A. Collection and analysis of requirements
Implementation study Report M2
FACT B. Implementation
Π1. Internal management and content cataloguing subsystem Software M9
Π2. User role and actor authorisation subsystem Software M9
Π3. Subsystem for searching and navigating digital content for end-users, institutions and businesses Software M9
Π4. Subsystem for content licensing requests Software Software M9
Π5. Licensing - authorisation subsystem for interoperability services Software M9
P6.Database migration service to the Digital Repository Software M9
Π7. Service for the creation of personalised collections Software M9
Π8. Digital repository application for smart mobile devices Software M9
PHASE C. Pilot operation and training
Π9. Import of original digital content Configuration and import of digital content M11
Π10. Training report and training material Tasks - report M11
Π11. Pilot operation report Tasks - report M12 M12