
ics-diskout-en-300x89 Since 1983, when it was founded, FORTH Institute of Computer Science (IP-FORTH) has a long history and an internationally recognized tradition of conducting basic and applied research, developing applications and products, and providing services. The research directions of IP-FORTH take into account cutting-edge technologies, current trends, international research and technological challenges, as well as the needs of the public and private sectors in Greece. FP-FORTH is a pioneer in the implementation and adoption of Information Society Technologies in Greece and in the international efforts aimed at the development of an Information Society accessible and accepted by all citizens. In the context of continuous improvement of the work produced, the FP-FORTH has proceeded, since December 2008, to the certification of its research activities as well as the products and services provided according to the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 quality management standard.

01-logo-noveltech-300x123 NovelTech was founded in September 2005 in Heraklion, Crete, and is a member of the Science and Technology Park of Crete, where it has its offices. It is also a member of the Association of Mobile Application Companies of Greece (SEKEE). The company is active in both the private and public sector where it has implemented complex projects throughout Greece. Its clients include businesses, municipalities throughout Greece, universities and public authorities. At this stage, the development of a network of partners in Greece and abroad is underway for the promotion of the company's products.